Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Seflishly Unselfish !

I found this article which I had written long back.. I thought of editing it [ bad decision, as it turned out to be w.r.t time] and posting it on the blog. Hope it doesnt have too much of spaghetti code :D

During our entire years of schooling, we kept studying chapters about Mother Theresa, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Nelson Mandela amongst others. One common thing is all those chapters? They worked unselfishly for the society.

The aim of this blog is to debunk the theory of working "unselfishly for others". In no means, I am looking down on the achievements of these great people. Its a take on "unselfish" part and not their achievements !!


The first sentence which people come up when speaking about these people is "They didn’t derive anything out of helping others". Strange, how years of socialism and bad academic teaching can continuously breed the wrong stuffs even in the most competent people.

Didn’t Mother Therasa really have any incentive to work for? Lets start with seeing whats an “incentive”.

Everyone dedicates time to one’s family and friends. We speak to them over phone, we travel miles to together to meet them amongst many other things. But why do we do that? We have an association with them; we get mental tranquility and happiness in what we did. We invest a lot of money and time and surely most often DON’T derive monetary benefits out of it. So, are we being “unselfish” here? NO!! We derive an “incentive” in finding happiness, mental tranquility etc.

Lets take an hypothetical situation. A software company XYZ Technologies is making huge losses. Its owner ABC knows that he would be better off shutting the company. However, he decides to continue because he doesn’t want to see the workers jobless. So, is ABC being “unselfish” here? NO!! The “incentive” here is he finds happiness in seeing his workers happy.

There is an incentive behind every action. Its just that Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder !

Are they NOT great ?

Why is diamond costlier than water? Water is more important for life than diamond. People don’t die without diamond but people die without water. But still, why is diamond costly? Yes, you guessed it right. It because its tougher to find another unit of diamond than finding another unit of water.

Why athletes are paid more than college professors? The contribution of professors to the society is more valuable than athletes. But still we don’t see a professor earning as much as a Ronaldo or a Kaka. [ Hell, not even as much as a sullen, wrecked certain bayor ! ] Why? If I have to replace a Ronaldo from a team, the probability of finding a replacement is very less (Valencia, anyone ? :P]. However, finding a replacement for a college professor is not "that" difficult.

Similarly, people who work for the upliftment of others are greater than the lesser mortals like us because they are similar to athletes. It's tough to find people like them. But are they unselfish ? Hell NO.

People always have worked for incentives and always will. There is nothing like “working unselfishly”. Period.